Not Another Blogger…


These days bloggers come a dime a dozen, “AMIRIGHT?!”

I thought to myself, Taylor what makes you different? Aside from the obvious lack of ethnic representation in the lifestyle blogger world, I also really enjoy writing.

I’m a naturally introspective person. As a teacher, I talk a lot to my students but when I’m not speaking I’m thinking. All. Day. Long. Literally from the time my feet touch the floor in the morning to the time I go to sleep, I’m thinking about a number of different things. It usually goes like this,

“What groceries do we need? What day is it? What’s happening at work today? Remember to set a reminder in your phone to look for counseling jobs. Make a list of things to buy at the grocery store. Oooo starbucks would be great today after work. Check the starbucks app to see how much you’ve got in your reloadable card. Speaking of cards, remember to send thank you cards. Heck remember to order thank you cards.”

This is literally my mind on a loop all day long, from one rabbit trail to another. I love thinking but sometimes you just need a place to write it all down….enter THE BLOG!

Taylor Dannise is a space where I compile all of the crazy happenings in my head and in my life into one consolidated space.

Home Decor

Being a homeowner means a few things, besides the obvious tie to a place that you’ve agreed to pay on for a max of 20 years. For me, homeownership means putting holes in the walls without fear of losing a deposit, changing fixtures to your hearts desire and customizing/painting walls however you desire without worrying about the ease of covering it up when you move out. Thomas #husbae and I literally keep transforming our home and I’ve enjoyed keeping up with the process both here on the blog and on instagram.


When you look good, you feel good. Fashion is my first love, I actually desired to be a fashion stylist for a living. Unfortunately that didn’t happen but I still appreciate the excitement of picking out the perfect outfit. I can’t always afford to be as stylish as I think I am in my mind (couture style on an average woman budget) #teacherlife so I’m stuck making outfits pop on a budget, which I consider a personal challenge and I have grown to really enjoy.


I like cooking, but I LOVE baking. This section of the blog is catered to those that love to cook, those that love to eat, or those that just love looking at good food!

I hope you take some time to look around and share in this lifestyle journal with me. Hopefully when you leave you’ll be saying, “She’s definitely not just any other blogger!”


Travel Review: Turks and Caicos


Bumping Around…