Bumping Around…

An HONEST entry about body changes during pregnany….

All my life I’ve been slim in nature. At my largest, I was 150 lbs in college. In my 20’s I’ve consistently fluctuated between 135 and 145 usually closer to 138 & 139 within the last few years.

Being pregnant takes a toll on your mental health when you’re naturally small because gaining weight is not something you’re used to doing. As it stands, I’m in the 21st week of pregnancy and I’ve gained 9 lbs so far. I can’t say that I’m upset about the weight gain because I’m happy our baby is growing, but I must admit that I’ve gone back to old pictures and I’m mourning my old body tremendously. I miss it. Let’s review what I looked like on the night Baby G was conceived….


I mean….look at that waist.

I’m hurt because I don’t know if my body will ever be the same. I’m optimistic about the future and bringing life into the world, but I’m also really self conscious about what my body will turn into after I give birth. Saggy skin, stretch marks, that linea negra….I’m not ready.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at the bump through it’s various stages….

This collage shows a progression from 7 weeks (yellow) to 21 weeks (elevator pic) I’ve missed 6 weeks throughout those (some are obvious repeats within the same week but on different days)

Overall, I’m enjoying the ride and I’m praying through this process that whatever body comes from this process will be one that I grow to love.


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