Upstairs Bathroom Makeover; Green with Envy

I love a nice, pretty bathroom.

I mean, you spend time in bathrooms and depending what you ate the night before that could be a little time or a lot of time!

Today I’m talking about the process of painting the upstairs bathroom in our house. For starters, let’s take a look at the before picture:

If vanilla and granola had a baby, it would be this restroom. I mean, it wasn’t the worst, but the cheap Walmart shower curtain liner and the empty walls certainly did not classify as a decorated space. So we decided to go GREEN! and change the mirror. The transformation with just new paint, a new mirror, and a different shower curtain alone will blow you away!

Cue the music…..drumroll pleaseeeee……..

What do you guys think about this color?

Although the bathroom is tiny, it really popped with such a bold and impressive color. As you can tell, the sun went down on us and taking proper photos was a challenge but I’m so satisfied with the results. Our painter did a fantastic job and I’m in love with the results! I can’t wait to give a glimpse of what this restroom will look like once it’s completed. Do you guys have any colors you’re currently loving, that add drama in small spaces?

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Entryway Makeover


Home Ownership 2 (WITH VIDEO!)