PHG (pt. 3)

So we’ve been admitted to L&D and the time is now 1:00 pm, contractions are still hitting like ocean waves crashing. I’m about ready to pluck each braid from my scalp one by one, and Thomas is GEEKED!

Back story on my husband: Thomas made it clear when we met that he wanted children. He mentioned his love of parenthood and how excited he was to eventually become a father. When he found out I was pregnant he was elated. He was an amazing Dad during my pregnancy, he sung to Paxton (my stomach) often, played him music, read to him and showed him so much love before he even arrived. This day was major for him.


I also tasked him with recording the day’s events for our YouTube so that we could have video reminders of the day, so he was filled with enthusiasm, while I was filled with, contractions -_-

Our L&D nurse was a southern woman from Louisiana who wasn’t the most personable but she had some great wisdom for us while we planned epidurals and breaking of my water.

“If you want to have this baby vaginally wait as long as you can for the epidural. This hospital has a high rate of C-Sections. If they give you the epidural too soon, it could cause issues later in labor & you might need an emergency C-Section. Fight the pain as long as you can.”

Now, this sounds great in theory, but the application, girl, that’s another story! We listened but about two hours later I was fighting tears waiting for the anesthesiologist. The epidural was…..HEAVENNNNN…..for 10 minutes.

Then all hell broke loose in my body. The shakes started, and these weren’t regular shakes. Girl, these were teeth chattering, straight up uncontrollable body shaking. The nurse once again came through with her knowledge.

“Were you anxious before giving birth? (uhhhh….DUH!) Anxiety can cause this type of response.”

After the shakes ended, my water was broken around 5:00 pm & I started pushing at 6:00-ish. The doctor had another delivery that he needed to tend to around 7:30, so I pushed for an hour then stopped and pushed for another two hours.

Paxton was born at 9:19 pm. The entire experience was amazing and I never knew I could experience so much joy. Our lives were completely changed for the better when Paxton made his arrival. To watch the YouTube video of the entire day check out the video below.


Mother’s Day Gift Ideas


PHG (pt. 2)